good to know

Length of your hair

The minimum length that is needed to make or extend dreadlocks is about 6-10 cm.

Making dreadlocks (hairs 6-10 cm)

  • it’s the perfect length to make dreadlocks using the wool / towel technique
  • with this hair length, it’s best to make a large amount of thin dreadlocks
  • making medium and thick dreadlocks with a crochet can be more difficult (30-40 pieces on the whole head)
  • with some types of hair (e.g. straight and thick), very short dreadlocks are more prone to loosening and frizzing (however, this is not the rule)
  • making well-knit dreadlocks with the help of a crochet can pull out the hair roots
  • very short dreadlocks stick out for several weeks, creating a “sun” effect

Making extension (hairs 6-10 cm)

  • too short a length of hair to extend prevents us from making a sufficiently strong connection by sewing dreads and hair
  • when the hair is very short extension with synthetic dreadlocks can cause unpleasant itching because synthetic hair is very close to the skin and can irritate it

To avoid most of the negative effects it is enough for the hair to be about 10-15 cm long.

Should I wash my hair before making dreadlocks?

DEFINITELY YES!!! It is a good idea to do it a day or two before making dreadlocks. It is also important to not to use a shampoo with the conditioner or the conditioner itself. The hair should be washed with the shampoo which will make them matte. I recommend herb shampoos or shampoos for greasy hair. Also, washing them with grey soap gives good effects. Sometimes, it is also worth to try to dry them with hairdryer. It is all about making your hair clean, not greasy, dry and matte. It should be done so as to open the scales of the hair. Owing to this fact the hair are more susceptible to backcombing, the prigs are made easily, and the dreadlocks are more resistant to untangling.

What is the optimal length of your hair for making natural dreadlocks?

In my opinion, the most optimal length of your hair for making dreadlocks is about 25-30 cm. Longer hair are prone to lose their volume (although not all of them). Despite the fact that the hair seem to be long, their real volume (close to the head) is smaller in comparison to the section after the shoulder blades. It is caused by the fact that your hair are not of equal length. An average human loses about 100-200 hair daily, they are replaced with new ones. Their estimated time of growing is 1cm per month. Therefore, when making dreadlocks it may occur that for creating first 20 cm of your dread 25-30cm of your hair are needed; whereas for making another 10 cm of your dread, only 20cm is needed (under condition that your dreadlocks are supposed to have equal thickness on the entire head).

It is often claimed that dreadlocks are growing faster than normal hair. This illusion occurs, because single hair, which “give additional length” to the haircut, do not fall out but remain in the structure of your dread.

How long it takes to make dreadlocks?

The estimated time for making dreadlocks depends on what technique is used to create them and who makes your dreadlocks. Some of the techniques require more time, some less. Also the skills of the dreadmaker have a big influence on the time of making dreadlocks.

It is said that there are three basic methods of making dreadlocks:

For patient people*:

  • Through neglecting – half a year up to 2 years
  • With the help of the wool or towel – 2-3 weeks up to 2-3 months

*(the more time is devoted during the day/week, the quicker one can see the effects)

For experienced ones:

  • Making dreadlocks on your own (backcombing, twisting, crocheting) – 1 up to 7 days

For impatient and inexperienced ones:

  • Dreadlocks that are made by dreadmaker – 8 up to 16 hours (if only one person is making dreadlocks).

One additional, good advice. Should someone claims that is capable of making good dreadlocks in 5-6 hours, then make up your minds whether it is possible. From the experience of mine and my professional colleagues, 8 up to 10 hours is the estimated time for making good-quality dreadlocks. Doing dreadlocks in shorter time is not enough for making the appropriate division of the hair, proper finishing and what is more, nice look and permanence.

One more important notice. The fact that your hair are backcombed, twisted and crocheted does not mean that you have dreadlocks on your head. The real, well- matted and “mature” (of proper structure) dreadlocks require time. The half of the year is the absolute minimum (or even more time, up to a year and a half – it depends on how you take care of your dreadlocks).

How much can the hair shorten?

To be honest, it is difficult to indicate a precise numerical value. Shortening of the hair in case of the dreadlocks it is conditioned with several factors.

First, you need to take into consideration the length of your hair. It is known that not all of the hair are of equal length. Those which are closer to the skin of your head have bigger volume in comparison to those which ends at the level of the shoulder blades. This fact influences the effect of shortening, because the smaller volume requires longer hair so as to make your dreadlocks look regular, of equal length. Should the dreadlocks are made through backcombing and finished by crocheting then:

  • The hair which are 20cm long would shorten by 5-10 cm
  • The hair which end at the level of shoulder blades would shorten by a half of their length
  • The hair which end at the level of your waist would shorten by 3/5 of their length

Another factor which is important is the quality and the kind of the hair. This is certainly a factor, but you don’t have to worry about it too much. The fact whether you have thick or thin hair influences the length of your hair in 10-15%. However, thin and weak hair (especially the long one) would lose their length, but only a bit much in comparison to the thick hair.

Also, the number and thickness of the dreadlocks is very vital. The thicker the dreadlocks are supposed to be, the more hair is needed to create their vertical structure and this directly influences the length. Should the dreadlocks are numerous but thinner, they do not lose that much of their length.

Also, the way in which your dreadlocks are ended is important. If you decide to round your endings, you will lose about 2 cm (in case of short hair) up to 6-8 cm (in case of long hair) of your length. Ending your dreadlocks with tufts may lengthen them a bit. They must be backcombed and finished in an appropriate way so as not to be damaged in the future.

In conclusion, the shortening of the hair depends on:

  • 60% – the length of your hair
  • 10% – the quality and king of your hair
  • 20% – the number and thickness of your dreadlocks
  • 10% – the way in which your dreadlocks are ended

* This description refers to the dreadlocks that are made with the help of the crochet hook, it i also a description of my own experience. In case of using other methods (e.g. through neglecting or rubbing) the effecther methods (e.g. through neglecting or t hook, it is also ged in the future.t of the shortening may be different (smaller).

Is it possible to untangle the dreadlocks?

All dreadlocks, even the mature ones which are tight, can be untangled. Of course, the older are dreadlocks, the more difficult is untangling. It is also worth to remember that it can take as much time as making dreadlocks. Your hair may appear to be damaged (but it does not happen in every case). Everything depends on the kind of the hair, the time of having dreadlocks and the level of tightness.

It is also a good idea to make an appointment with the hairdresser who will take care of your hair after untangling dreadlocks. It is important, because the hair after untangling have different length, they may be damaged and for sure very “ruffed”.

I have several tips for the brave ones who decided to do it on their own:

  1. As for combing out, it is a good idea to prepare a broken crochet hook or e.g. a fork, and a small plastic comb. The first two tools are usable for combing out thick and strongly tangled parts of your dreadlocks. If you succeed in doing so, with the help of the small comb brush out the hair and end the combing out very thoroughly.
  2. Before untangling your dreadlocks it is good to wet your dreadlocks and to put a lot of hair conditioner. It is worth to choose the one which helps in combing out your hair (see the information on the cosmetic). Leave the conditioner for a dozen or so minutes, and then wash it out. If the dreadlocks are very thick, repeat the activity several times. This will lease the friction, cause the hair to be more smooth and will ease the combing out. While combing out, please remember about wetting your hair. Putting a bo er to will leasen theut your hair (see the information on the cosmetic). it more of the conditioner should also help.
  3. Comb out your hair slowly,  a centimeter by  a centimeter. Do not try to comb out one dreadlock at once, especially if it is long. The hair would tangle is you do so.

Nevertheless, I think that it is worth to think about cutting off your dreadlocks. The situation is similar to that with the Gordian knot – the easiest way is to cut it off, not to untangle it. But, it is necessary to cut off all of the hair?

See: Is it necessary to cut off all of the hair?

Is it necessary to cut off all of the hair?

The majority of the people do not decide to have dreadlocks (especially the women), because it is commonly claimed that later you would have to shave the entire head. In some cases, it is indeed the best solution to cut your hair very short. What if you would like to keep the origin to have dreadlocks (especially the women), because it is commonly claimed that later yoal length of your hair?

See: Is it possibile to untangle the dreadlocks?

It is not neccessary to cut off all of your hair. In case of the men, should they fed up with the dreadlocks, they have to wait for 1 up to 3 months. At that time it is advised to neglect the twisting and wait for the occurrence of the roots. Then, the dreadlocks are cut off 3 or 10 cm under the roots, the rest can be combed out easily. Owing to this activity, one can keep even up to 20 cm of normal, straight hair. Such solution has another advantage. Should you miss your dreadlocks, you can sew them back easily.

How many dreadlocks I will have?

Everything depends on the method which you decide to choose so as to make your dreadlocks. Should you let them form on their own from natural prigs (through neglecting) or with the helprom natural to choose so as to make your dreadlocks. of the wool/towel, their amount will depend on how your hair will divide. In order to have a minimal control on their number and thickness, you can divide and connect the prigs systematically. You can also “tidy them up” after some time, as the flowers in the garden, but it will take a lot of time and work. And is it a good idea? Should the dreadlocks occur in natural way, you must let them to do so…

In case of choosing the help of the dreadmaker, the number of the dreadlocks depend on his division and work. If he divides the hair (it is very vital of the final effect – not all of the dreadmakers do this) equally, then it is possible to control the number of pricks and their thickness.

  • Very thick dreadlocks – 25-30 dreadlocks
  • Thick dreadlocks – 35-40 dreadlocks
  • Medium dreadlocks – 40-55 dreadlocks
  • Thin dreadlocks – 60-75 dreadlocks
  • Very thin dreadlocks – 80 dreadlocks or more
  • Really thin dreadlocks (“needles”) – 100- 160 dreadlocks

There is a very easy metod for indicating the number of the dreadlocks – dividing your head on four sequences and then on another two. In other words, we divide the head on four parts (front, back and sides) and then these quarters should be divided on two. We repeat this activity till the required number is achieved. Experienced dreadmakers are capable of choosing appropriate strip of hair so as to gain the desired number of the dreadlocks.


Remember that in the case of dreadlocks there is one golden tip which never changes – the more the better. Beware of the dreadmakers who make less than 25 dreadlocks, because they do not look nice, and it is difficult to repair such “damage”. In my opinion, the appropriate base fficult to repair such ” tip which sor the dreadlock consists in a square which has a side 1-2cm long (in case of very thick hair 2-2,5cm).

Is it true that my hair will become weaker because of dreadlocks?

Having dreadlocks may make your hair weaker, but it does not always happen. However, there are several  factors which may cause it:

  • The frequency of washing up your head and the use of inappropriate cosmetics, shampoos etc.
  • The over usage of a crochet hook which breaks hair (that is more than 1-2 times per month)
  • Dying your dreadlocks
  • The length and weight of your dreadlocks
  • Wearing head covers (especially the woolen ones) which pull the hair

It is also worth to ask a question whether it has a big influence when taking into the consideration the fact that in most cases the dreadlocks are cut off and the problem vanishes. Besides, the appropriate regeneration of your hair with shampoos and conditioners e.g. after combing out, also brings good effects.

Is making dreadlocks painful?

To be honest everything depends on the technique which is used to make dreadlocks and on individual sensitivity to pain. Should we make dreadlocks through neglecting, there is no problem. The entire process is painless, but very slow. If we want to get our dreadlocks in one or two days, then we may experience a great pain (when different techniques are used). Especially making dreadlocks with the help of the crochet hook is painful. The crochet hook jerks every single hair which is quite painful. Nevertheless, the pain may be avoided through sensitive threading hair into the structure of the dreadlock (in this case the time of making dreadlocks is longer), and leaving longer roots by the head (up to 2-3cm).

My hair are thin and weak – is it possible for me to have dreadlocks?

Thin and weak hair are no problem if you wish to have dreadlocks. According to untrue and common claim, dreadlocks which are made of such hair have empty “holes” between their roots and they often abrade. In general, the haircut would look scruffy and unpleasant. Is is partly true, but is doesn’t have to be like this. It is the case of the proper “planning” your haircut and select the appropriate number and thickness of your dreadlocks. Should a great number of dreadlocks is made, it may improve the overlook of your haircut, and it would even look better than our previous haircut. It is caused due to several obvious facts.

First, a great number of dreadlocks (over 60 dreadlocks) would „hide” empty spaces which occur after making dreadlocks. These spaces would be covered with dreadlocks themselves under the condition that they will have proper length (i.e so that they could be easily tied up).

Second, dreadlocks give the impression of volume haircut. Lastly, thin and weak hair are put into the structure of the dreadlock, and therefore their individual, negative qualities are no longer important.

Should I dye my hair before or after making dreadlocks?

1. Dreadlocks made from your own hair only.

There are no troubles with dying. If you dye your hair before making dreadlocks, it may ease a bit the entire process of making dreadlocks. Your hair will become matte and more susceptible for bunching up.

If you dye your hair after making dreadlocks, it may have positive effect as well. The dye “glues your dreadlocks together”, and therefore their structure is more tight, the problem of sticking out hair is limited. However, it is worth remembering that in case of dying your dreadlocks, you would need two or three times more dye than in case of dying normal hair.

2. Dreadlocks with extensions with hair or dreads.

In case of dying lengthened dreadlocks, the order is not important. The hair may be dyed beforot important. normal hair.g your dreadlocks, you would need two or three times more dye than in casev e and after making dreadlocks. Nevertheless, it is recommended to do so after lengthening so as to hide the difference between your natural hair colour and the colour of lengthened dreadlocks. Moreover, dying your dreadlocks after lengthening has positive effect on tightness of your dreadlocks which results in fewer problems in the future.

3. Dreadlocks with extensions with syntetic hair or dreadlocks.

In case of synthetic dreadlocks everything is more complex. Synthetic hair are not capable of keeping the dye. After first washing the dye vanishes. Fortunately, the great variety of colours of dreadlocks allows one to choose the most appropriate colour. Therefore, it is advised to dye your hair before lengthening synthetic dreadlocks (although it is not necessary). It will ease the choice of the appropriate colour. When your dreadlocks are already lengthened and you wish to dye your roots, there is no problem. Your natural hair, even on the connections with synthetic hair will keep the of the appropriate colour.y)htening ws one to choose the most appropriate colour.

The info which may be found on websites.

All of the websites are claimed to be a good source of knowledge concerning dreadlocks. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that people who describe various cases, do not always take into the consideration small differences. Owing to this fact their experience varies and contradictory information are presented. The most important is to remember: that type of hair you have (thick, thin, long etc.), which technique was used to make dreadlocks, and many other factors. Therefore, please read information and compare them with your own and other’s experiences. I also hope that such compendium of dreadlocks knowledge would be useful.